Animal Welfare
We encourage you, as consumer, to demand being given a guarantee that down and feathers plucked from live ducks and geese have not been used in the duvet or pillow you purchase. DYKON does not accept – under no circumstances – feathers and down from birds, which were plucked from live birds. And we always demand a written guarantee from our suppliers that the down does not originate from live birds.
The fill in our products is derived solely from industrially slaughtered birds from European suppliers.
Because our down and feathers are by-products of the food industry, they are also subject to the stringent control, to which the producers of geese and ducks are also subject.
If anyone falls sick from eating a duck, it must be possible to trace that duck all the way back to the farm, from where it originated. We use the same system when receiving down and feathers. In that way, we can always trace their origins and are on top of quality control.
Own recognised laboratory
DYKON is the only manufacturer of duvets and pillows in Northern Europe to have our own laboratory, recognised by EDFA.
We carry out random tests on all consignments of down and feathers in accordance with EN standards. In this way, we check whether our down and feathers do, indeed, originate from geese and duck, while also accurately determining their quality. Our random testing means that we are able to grade our stuffing and thus create different qualities, which enables us to vary our duvets and pillows in accordance to their degree of insulation and fill power.